AutoNotification Persistent Notifications not working with Time-Profile

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by trassia, Sep 4, 2018.

  1. trassia

    trassia New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Over the last days I found out, that tasks that use a Persisentent Notification will not work.

    I have different Profiles, which create at specific Times Notifications of different Sorts (Some just Text, others with Actions to start on press). The Problem is, they do not work, as they should. As soon as I set an ID and enable Persistency the following happens (thanks to the Log):

    -Tasker recognizes the Time as it should
    -The Task starts
    -tries to create the desired Notification
    -stops the Task with an ExitError

    The weird thing is, I tried various approaches (reinstall Tasker and Autonotification, make all necessary Settings with Battery Optimization, Enable all other necessary Settings in Tasker/Android, create the Profiles and Tasks from scratch), and everything long as I dont have any persistent Notification in my Tasks...........

    Running a Huawei Mate 9 with Oreo (German, if it makes any difference).

    What I forgot above: it really happnes only with Time-Settings. If I start a task manual or use, for example, the Display State Setting....everything works even with the persistent setting enabled.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2018
  2. trassia

    trassia New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    After some more testing, I can say its not only happens as soon as I try to start a profile with anything number related (I tried setting a variable to a specific time /Number and start the task if the variable is set....same result). Even tried setting the language in the preferences from Tasker to English instead of German, and using only the "perform task" command to start the desired task....makes no difference.

    7.9.: Okay, I had the hope that a hard Reset would help with the Problems, so that you dont have to worry about this when youre back......but unfortunately no, Persistent Autonotifications actions continue to crush the whole Task with an ExitErr-Entry......and the Cancel-Action seems to do the same too........

    In addition, the following problem: When the Display is off, normal, Non-Persistent AN-Notifications are not created or instantly deleted...I dont know. According to the Log the Tasks run completely without errors but there is nothing visible in the Status Bar.....

    9.9.: okay, after reading a little more in this forum, i have created notifications with the %errmsg-Variable. And embarrassingly, the solution was pretty simple at the end ....just had to set the Timeout of the AN-Actions from the preset 20 seconds to none and, tada, everything works like it should.

    Never had to change that for my past Profiles/tasks, so I did not think about that option ;)
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018
  3. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Glad you got it :)

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