AutoRemote Sending link question

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by BRADA, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. BRADA

    BRADA New Member

    Apr 7, 2015
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    I think i tried and checked everything...
    So here is the question:
    I copy some link to the webpage.
    If i go to the AutoRemote - List of devices - Choose the Device (chrome browser on Notebook)- Tap the Message icon - paste the link and send the message - It is succesfully opened in Browser at once.
    If i go to tasker and make the task (to add widget/shortcut later) to send the clipboard to Notebook chrome browser it doesn work: New Task - AutoRemote Message - %CLIP - it gives me "Retrying 1/5" etc... And sometimes sending in 1 minute or not...
    Screenshot_20180809-143129_AutoRemote.jpg Screenshot_20180809-143133_AutoRemote.jpg Screenshot_20180809-143241_AutoRemote.jpg Screenshot_20180809-143247_AutoRemote.jpg Screenshot_20180809-145451_Tasker.jpg SmartSelect_20180809-150219_Gallery.jpg
    I think the solution must be simple, but i cannot figure it out...
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2018
: autoremote, link

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