Open Stuck on "Testing registration on Join's server..." with Yandex Browser

Discussion in 'Join' started by vlota, Jan 10, 2019.

  1. vlota

    vlota New Member

    Mar 26, 2017
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    I'm having a similar problem to the user who posted this thread:

    ...only, in my case, I'm using Yandex Browser, which is also based on Chrome and also supports Chrome plugins. The plugin installs OK and opens. But, when I run the diagnostics, it just hangs on that "Testing registration on Join's server..." message:


    I've also navigated to chrome://gcm-internals/ as you recommended the other user to do, where I see this [for contrast, I've also included what I see in Chrome as well, where the plugin does work properly].

    Yandex Browser:


    As you can see, there's a "Socket_Failure" error showing up there. But I've no idea how to resolve this.

    With Chrome Browser:


    Oddly, if I navigate to Again, as you advised the other user, I just get a blank page using both Chrome and Yandex, even with all other extensions which might affect the connection disabled [uMatrix, HTTPS Everywhere and uBlock Origin]

    Yandex Browser: a blank page


    Chrome Browser: a blank page and an alert about not bering authenticated. Even if I click the alert and successfully sign into my Google account on the window which opens up next, the 'Not authenticated' alert just pops up again afterwards and I still get a blank page.


    However. In spite of these errors on Chrome, the plugin does work:


    It's only on Yandex that I can neither get the plugin to work OR the web app.

    Would love to get this working on Yandex, as I use it as my default browser instead of Chrome and, in theory, it should work, seeing as Yandex supports Chrome plugins. Any ideas what to try, to resolve this?
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    About the web page, you need to allow popups so it can show the login dialog :)

    About the browser, it seems that Yandex doesn't support push messaging, which is essential for Join to work...

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