AutoTools Switch 2G - 3G

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Robertus, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. Robertus

    Robertus New Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    Hi, i tried to change 2G to 3G, without success.

    I bought tasker since when pent was the boss, anyway now o change my device in oneplus 6, with last version 5.1.8 and root.

    I installed autotools free, i make an action to try with auto tools to switch, but tasker doesn't reply any error message, so like would be fine, and autotools says in logs, only that license is autotools is false ( because i didn't bought yet ).
    In lite category ( logs of autotools) says: Lite from AutoApps: true

    By the way, doesn't change from 2g or to.

    I enable write permission from adb and also change configuration.

    Is possible that can't be change this value in oneplus 6 or in oxygen os ?

    Thanks for this support and if there is a way to works, of course i run to buy auto tools, i just wanna try to find a way to put the phone in 2g when screen is off, to save battery, i know how to use tasker, but anyway if you want some logs, tell me and i provide you them
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Can you please export your task's description (not xml) so I can take a look? Long-click the task in Tasker->export description Thanks in advance
  3. Robertus

    Robertus New Member

    Jan 29, 2017
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    [QUOTE = "joaomgcd, post: 47467, membro: 1"] Puoi esportare la descrizione della tua attività (non xml) in modo che possa dare un'occhiata? Fare clic in sequenza sull'attività in Tasker-> esportazione descrizione Grazie in anticipo [/ QUOTE]

    2G (3)
    A1: AutoTools Root Add-on Enable Secure Settings In AutoTools [ Configurazione:No configuration needed.

    Simply run this action to grant AutoTools the Secure Settings permission Timeout (Secondi):60 ]
    A2: AutoTools Root Add-on Settings [ Configurazione: Timeout (Secondi):60 ]
    A3: AutoTools Secure Settings [ Configurazione:Setting Type: Global
    Name: preferred_network_mode
    Input Type: String
    Value: 20,18 Timeout (Secondi):60 ]

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