AutoVoice Tasker + Autovoice + HTTP GET + dimmer level

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by M. H. van der Hoek, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. M. H. van der Hoek

    M. H. van der Hoek New Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I use Tasker with autovoice to control my domotica based on Domoticz.

    For dimming switches I use the following HTTP GET command in JSON format to set the dimmer level:

    Server Port:
    <username>:<password>@<URL to domoticz server>


    In this case I called my AutoVoice Recognized profile: Master 40

    So if I say Master 40 to autovoice it sets the dimming level to 40%

    The Goal:
    Now what I want is to be able to set every dimming level by autovoice.

    Of course I can do that by creating 100 AutoVoice profiles and 100 Tasks (to be able to set the dimming level to 1 - 100), but there must be an more effective way to do this.

    What I've found
    I've found already a way to do this using tasker with sharptools, but I prefer to only use autovoice + tasker.

    I did also found that autovoice is offering the ability to use a variable like %avword2, this variable will catch the 2nd word I've spoken to autovoice.

    Till now this worked only to the Profile --> Configuration --> Command

    What I want
    I want to use the %avword2 variable in my HTTP GET path

    I already tried to use the following path

    but this doesn't work.

    Does anybody know a way to perform this within tasker?
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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