Multiple AutoApps Think tank - ideas worth spreading

Discussion in 'Guides / Examples / Ideas Forum' started by Daniel D, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. RhyTech

    RhyTech New Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    I've just recently rediscovered my love for Tasker again, so I've not got much yet but the working ones are:
    • AutoCal for a totally automated alarm clock. When my "In Bed" profile fires, it checks if I have a University lecture, a shift at work or an entry in my personal calendar the following day and automatically sets an alarm 2 hours before or in 9 hours time, whichever is earlier. The lecture events are populated by the University and I'm going to make a simple scene for inputting work shifts.
    • A custom alarm sequence in the morning that's impossible for me to turn off and go back to sleep.
    • AutoRemote and my old phone for wireless music control and a snooze button very very far away.
    • AutoRemote to link with IFTTT then trigger my Pavlok wearable to completely cut out their app for shocks and for the alarm clock, more snoozing equals more pain.
    • (WIP) AutoCast to wake up to an information screen including today's agenda, to do list, upcoming assignment deadlines, a live stream of the external camera on the Space Station and some more stuff I haven't thought of yet.
    It doesn't use any AutoApps but I've also written a Variable response generator: Instead of just using a Say action, If I put a Perform Task and set %par1 to a word in the library (e.g. "Yes") it will randomly choose a similar word from that array and say that instead (e.g Yes,Yup,Yeah etc.). The entire library can be managed easily from one scene using a 3D array referencing process for First Letter > Root Word > Replies. This one scene lets you add and remove both Root words and responses, automatically sorts them into the library and keeps everything in alphabetical order.

    Future Projects:
    • With everything I learnt building the response generator, I'm thinking about a distributed stock control system utilising AutoRemote and AutoBarcode for a business I'm contemplating setting up.
    • Completely offline GPS location history, maybe with secure live tracking with AutoRemote and AutoCast.
    • Automatically changing situational based widget that knows exactly where I am and what I'm doing and always has what I'm after already there on the home screen.

    (Can you tell I'm a bit shit at getting out of bed?)
    valk791, bobcrash and joaomgcd like this.
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Awesome stuff :)
  3. bobcrash

    bobcrash New Member

    Sep 11, 2016
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    Wow.. Nice work... Half the battle is coming up with what would truly be useful, ...and some things we often want to do are possible, but so tedious we won't do it.. Some of your location tie-ins are quite clever and a good example of what I'm speaking about...
    How does one get help on stuff like this, without bothering people like this fellow? Do some people post stuff like this somewhere else?? I've poked around and some things are available, just not as much as I would expect. Some great ideas in this thread, no doubt!
  4. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    You can always ask for help here or here. They help people out a lot :)
  5. Tim Doane

    Tim Doane New Member

    Jan 28, 2017
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    I have a task that is similar to the app gentle alarm. It sets volume to zero, chooses a random song to play, starts playing song, then every 10 secs it increases volume +1 till it is at full volume. then it snoozes for 8 minutes does the same thing again. rinse and repeat 1 more time. then it gives me the weather, sunrise, sunset, and a motivational quote for the day.
  6. mahametta

    mahametta New Member

    Nov 18, 2017
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    New to Tasker/Autoapps and Linux OS.

    I want to do the following:

    - When I open my 'PASSWORD SAFE' app. on my Samsung S8
    > I would click on a password that is connected to a URL
    > Once I click on this URL on my phone it would:
    > Open my Linux PC and Firefox web browser then Auto populate website account passwords.

    I want to do this because I have a lot of accounts and a lot of passwords to remember. I do not want to add passwords to firefox to remember in case my firefox account or PC becomes compromised.

    Does Anyone know how to do this?

    I also want to learn how to use Autoapp (Also on my samsung S8) to do the following:

    - Sell BITCOIN on an exchange app when its UP
    - Buy BITCOIN on an exchange app when it DOWN

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2017
    Mr.Chetto likes this.
  7. lostmedic

    lostmedic New Member

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Could I request a project? I would like a tasker project that finds each person in my address book and sends them a message such as "happy thanksgiving" or other holiday specific message.
    I have tried multiple things such as setting up arrays and what not, but I end up frustrated.
    It would be even better if it went out via their "default" message app. like whatsapp hangouts, or fb messenger.

    Thank you in advance.
  8. SubLim3

    SubLim3 New Member

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Thought I would throw out a few of my daily profiles/tasks.
    • Automatically open Music App and press Play when car bluetooth connects.
    • Automatically change wallpaper every 10 minutes. (Images locally on phone, would like Google Drive Integration)
    • Automatically change ringtone every new call.
    • Keep scree non when certain apps are open (Facebook, Google News...)
    • Vibrate and Verbal Notifiy when Battery reaches 25%.
    • Scan for and connect to home WiFi when disconnecting from car bluetooth. (Helps IFTTT and August see me home faster)
    Best thing about Tasker, things just happen Automatically! Or as Joao would say, Automate Your Life!
  9. Matthew Sykes

    Matthew Sykes New Member

    Feb 5, 2019
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    Here's my idea... no idea how to do it. The Google Assistant asking autovoice $CMD works great. However, I can't share accounts, such as to a dummy account for the AIY voice kit. Within the Google Home app you can view Assistant Devices like the "voice kit" running on my RPi. If you could make autovoice an Assistant device, instead of a assistant service/app.... then you could allow home sharing of devices. What I mean is... my chromecast audio and my nest are attached to ONLY my matty account however my AIY account (voice kit) has access the "home" on the matty account as a family member... Both accounts access the nest services but it is only linked to me, matty account.

    ok, I know thats a bit complexly worded but I think it might be something for you to look into and would greatly add to autovoice. So autovoice as a device within the google home app - which means it could be shared between accounts. (maybe setup requires you pick a device to receive commands).

    what do you think? The ability to share accounts because its a device...
  10. astranberg

    astranberg New Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I like to use SMS to trigger profiles. Examples include
    • [a code]BeepLost to trigger some mild noise to find my phone
    • [a code]FlashLost to use flashlight flickering instead
    • [a code]Stolen to turn the phone into a fake off state, with complete silence, black screens and the phone periodically sends auto location coordinates in google maps and battery level to the requesting phone.
    • [a code]BeepStolen makes obnoxious noises and literally says “THIS PHONE IS STOLEN.’
    • [a code]Amazon to request latest amazon OTP code (for my family who uses my amazon account). It also remembers who requested the code and automatically sends them any new codes that come in the next 10 minutes.
    • [a code]Steam same for steam codes.
    • [a code]Help to text back all the codes listed above
    Christophe likes this.
  11. Christophe

    Christophe New Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Make An assistant out of Tasker/Auto.../join with a self set hotword (continuous listening for that hotword off course) that, when in your car (or all the time if you want it to) looks like the car circle in the series 'upload' or like the voice of kitt from 'knight rider', so that it looks like it's speaking to you
  12. Christophe

    Christophe New Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Tip, if that's possible (I don't know). Make an automatic selfie and upload it somewhere, so you can see who stole your phone
    Tbitom likes this.
  13. Christophe

    Christophe New Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Could you tell how you did the voice unlock pin?
  14. Martijn

    Martijn New Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Would it be possible to create a Tasker shortcut that:
    - Gets the full path of the song currently playing in my music player
    - Store it in a variable
    - Play next song
    - Delete file stored in variable

    Background of my question: I download a bunch of MP3's and easily want to delete those I don't like.
: ideas

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