AutoTools Which auto**** to use?

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Xamqoptm, Nov 8, 2017.

  1. Xamqoptm

    Xamqoptm New Member

    Nov 6, 2017
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    I love tasker, but all tutorials ask for auto something and i'm lost.

    Which should i buy? Do i need them all?

    I need to make an auto response on allo. Everyday, at 7pm i need allo to send a msg to my gf, which auto** do i need? And to send my location when she calls?

    I need to open google music and waze when i connect to bt, it also needs to focus waze, again which auto***?

    I'd appreciate some help.
    Thank you.
    It would be nice to have less auto***.
    It can be in portuguese the answer!
  2. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Different AutoApps are used for different situations.
    To reply to messages automatically you should use AutoNotification. Check here.
    To open Google Music and Waze you just need Tasker. Use the Launch app action.
    Hope this helps! :)
    Xamqoptm likes this.
  3. Daniel D

    Daniel D Member

    Feb 11, 2015
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    Xamqoptm, it's all a matter of easy to use. Joao here has implemented a lot of features into his plugins. Reducing the number of plugins would only increase the number of available actions inside each plugin.
    Would be like having all possible dishes in one restaurant, with a menu as big as a telephone book versus having Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Mexican, Thai, Chinese, etc restaurants, each with a smaller menu.
    Xamqoptm likes this.
  4. Xamqoptm

    Xamqoptm New Member

    Nov 6, 2017
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    Thank you, joão!
    Works like a charm, AND SO EASY to implement! A few questions, is it possible to differentiate my gf from my mother using allo, so the auto reply goes only to gf? Can i send my location(i tried using %loc)? The AutoNotification costs R7,49, if i need to buy another auto*** in the future do i get a discount?
    Thank you.
    Daniel, i know what is italian, portuguese etc. I KNOW what i'll get. When comes to auto*** I have no idea what i get/need. IMHO, at least explain better to no experts( my self) which auto*** they need. Almost all tutorial i've read asked for some auto***.
    P.S.: Great app, thank you!
  5. Daniel D

    Daniel D Member

    Feb 11, 2015
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    Xamqoptm, I tottally get you. João doesn't have the best skills when it comes to written help or tutorials. Sometimes I have to follow a tutorial several times myself in order to understand everything.
    But we forgive him because of the great apps he makes. Tasker would be half as usefull without him. (Maybe he should coopt somebody with the right skills to write the help files for him.)
    On another note, I recommend you two approaches. Both start with knowing tasker. Look into tutorials around the net and try to recreate those that interest you. Also try to check each Tasker condition and action to see what it can do. Step two can either be
    1. Use the evaluation period for each plugin and try it. But be patient and don't try many at the same time so that you'll have enough time. Som plugins have tens of conditions and actions.
    2. Buy a one year subscription (it's around 12$/10€ I think) and try them all. Then you can decide what to buy or keep the subscription. Currently the prices of all AutoApps combined is around 64-65€.
    From a user's perspective, 65€ can be a lot. Especially when you think that Tasker itself is 10 of that. But the amout of work mentaining and developing those apps can be hard to imagine by a non-developer. And one would have to sell a lot of 1 year subscriptions in order to have a decent life year round.
    In the end I wish you a wonderfould journey of discovery and knwledge!
    Xamqoptm likes this.

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