AutoVoice Won't Let Me Sign In on Multiple Devices Concurrently - Frustrating!

Discussion in 'AutoApps' started by Richaardvark, Jul 20, 2018.

  1. Richaardvark

    Richaardvark New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    I am trying to use Tasker + AutoInput + AutoVoice to help automate some functions of my smart home but am having trouble. I've never had this problem before. I have the latest versions of all apps installed, and pay a monthly subscription for both AutoVoice and AutoApps. My profiles and actions work just as they are supposed to, but the second I run the action on one device, it boots me out of the other. I have all logs and toasts enabled but still can't figure it out :-( The only way to fix the problem on the device that is booted off is to open AutoVoice to the remote devices screen and then click the profile icon and sign in to my Google account again. However, the moment I do this, it stops working on the other device :-(

    Please help :-( Thanks!
  2. Richaardvark

    Richaardvark New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    Also, if this is of any help at all, the two devices that keep booting each other off are the exact same make and model of Android tablet. If there was some way to rename the devices in AutoVoice I think that might solve the problem? I have renamed them in my Google account on the Play Store site, and also in Join, but the name changes there unfortunately seem independent of their AutoVoice name. See attached image. There are actually TWO "KFDOWI" tablets (Amazon Fire HD 8), but I believe AutoVoice thinks they're the same device. I've given them different names on each device in the OS settings menu, but AutoVoice still goes with their original name from Amazon... Screenshot_2018-07-20-07-02-27.png
  3. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Oh yeah, sorry, that's a limitation of the service for now. AutoVoice doesn't support multiple devices with the same name unfortunately, sorry :(
  4. Richaardvark

    Richaardvark New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    That is understandable... :-/

    Thanks Joao! I have so much respect for your talented programming work, for your seemingly never-ending kindness and willingness to help solve problems, and your quest to always make things even better :) Thank you for all you do!! :)

    One last thought... I've been exploring with an app called Settings Database Editor which lets you modify many settings and characteristics on a device .There are several data entries where the "Device Name" comes up. Could I possibly change this information and then re-register the device with AutoVoice/Google? Do you know of any other possibly safe apps or methods I could use to rename the phone?

    I bought about four of these tablets purposely with the idea of connecting them all together via AutoVoice/Tasker/Join/ etc. to make one big connected, multi-screen information system. I didn't realize that Google would automatically assign them all the same "name" based on their model name :-/ Any way I can trick it?

    Thank you again!
  5. Richaardvark

    Richaardvark New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    See, you can see here two of them where they overlap even though I've given them different "nicknames."

    Could I use Join or AutoTools /Apps or another of the systems to call the Tasker action? I feel like I could do this with Join?

    Attached Files:

  6. joaomgcd

    joaomgcd Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Yes, Join is your best bet... I think it would be way more suited for the implementation you want :)
    Join even makes it easier for you to share Tasker variables between devices if you want. Check it out here and here!

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