App Selection Dialog 1.3

A simple app selection dialog, similar to what you would find in a launcher

  1. Robert Ryan
    A simple app selection dialog, similar to what you would find in a launcher. Uses AutoTools and AutoLaunch.
    • 7-17-2016: Slight modification so it returns the app package instead of the label.
    • 8-4-2016: Added Multiple selection option.
    • 8-5-2016: Bugfixes
    • 8-6-2016: Reduced code by 50%, same functionality.
    • 9-22-2016: Bugfix
    autormali likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Rob van Brunschot
    Rob van Brunschot
    Version: 2016-07-26
    Very good hint on how versatile AutoTools is.
    Thank you.