Automatically activate USB file transfer (MTP) connection with the computer

Create profile to enable MTP USB connection of the phone when connected to PC.

  1. autormali
    Requirements: AutoNotification, AutoInput.


    • Connect the phone to PC with USB.
    • Create a Tasker event profile with the AutoNotification Intercept condition.
    • Tap Action Type and choose Created.
    • In Notification Title enter the title of the notification to intercept: USB charging this device.
    (i)In Notification Title you should enter the notification tilte of your device Android version. The notification title in this tutorial can be different than this on your device. Enter the exact title text of your notification.


    • Create New Task.
    • Add Autonotification Actions action.
    • Enter %antouchaction in Intercept Action ID.
    • Add AutoInput Action.
    • Action set to Click, Field Type to Text.
    • In Field Text enter the text to click: Transfer files.
    • Add Flash action to comunicate the task is executed.
    • Disconnect the phone from USB.
    (i)In Field Text you should enter corresponding text of your device Android version. The "transfer files" text in this tutorial can be different than this on your device. Enter the exact text you have on your USB popup window.

    STEP 3 - TEST

    Once you connect the phone to the computer, USB for file transfer will be activated.