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Jul 2, 2024
Feb 3, 2015
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Administrator, Male

Staff Member
joaomgcd was last seen:
Jul 2, 2024
    1. CommShop
      397 characters fail msg do not exceed 420 characters
    2. CommShop
      405 characters fail msg do not exceed 420 characters.
    3. click-click
      It's not nice being ignored. Is no one reading these posts?
    4. click-click
      Why is my post still waiting to be moderated? I made the post in the Off topic General Forum months ago and it is still not viewable. E-mails via Contact Us did not help either.
    5. mike0921
      Hi, is it possible to send video files to another device using Join? I'm trying to transfer videos from my Android to my PC.
    6. shrikant nikam
      shrikant nikam
      HI, i am using tasker along with autoarduino plugin when i select USB port first time and run task it works well , but when i disconnected arduino and connect again it shows err code 1316639418 as mentioned in title , so it should not be happen when i connect disconnect arduino plz give solution plz plz
    7. junsang
      I'm using a mobile application with a paid.
      1. The Whale browser in Korea says 'undefined'.
      2. It is very inconvenient when using the microsoft application because the clipboard system is not automatic.
    8. Bob Rhyne
      Bob Rhyne

      I got a quick question concerning the windows 10 store app join. I seem to have everything working but if I want to send a new SMS is there a button I push that brings up my contact so I can select one?

      BTW love the app
    9. geek4hire625
      Hello. I am new to using tasker although I have owned the app for a long time ( paid version) however when i click on the link to the forum i get redirected to a google group? whats up with that?
    10. Alex Kezar
      Alex Kezar
      Hi Jao,

      Thank you so much for creating this app. I really appreciate it. I don't want to waste your time, but could you please help me figure out how to use Auto voice? I'm wanting Alexa to find my phone as a virtual device as said to do but Alexa is unable to. Any ideas? I think a phone call might even be beneficial lol. Hole to hear soon!

    11. LarryK
    12. rimemarco
      I , When you get out of the skill Autovoice Italy thanks Marco
    13. Yra
      "Ok, here's the sheet where translations can be done. @Yra if you can send me your gmail account I can add you as the editor of the russian tab :)"
      1. Alxdn.sam likes this.
    14. jusplainmike
      How do I reference github repos in my post. Keeps saying I'm a spammer. Lol.
    15. charliekeene
      Hi there, I posted a bug yesterday about AutoArduino requiring manual permissions every time the arduino is reconnected (via otg). The post seems to have disappeared? Permissions should only be required the very first time you connect a usb device. Currently AutoArduino requires permissions to be re-granted on every reboot which makes it hard to use for home automation when manual intervention is required.
    16. Davemaher
      hey joaomgcd, , I downloaded autovoice all unlocked, and linked my account through the amazon link.(via pc) I can see in my google settings autovoice , and alexa are connected, went to my skills and see autovoice in there, but for some reason it wont recognise any voice command.(alexa). when I ask alexa to enable autovoice she says I cant find that skill. Am I doing something wrong. thanks dave
    17. mjrival
      Hi Joaomg!, I've been suscribed to AutoApps for two months, but in my bank extract I see in first month (GOOGLE *joaomgcd) but in this month I see (GOOGLE *KITXOO) Have you change the name? thanks
    18. robertsteward
      Hey Joaomgcd, I was wondering if you have plans to move a couple of the Alpha apps to Beta status (or offer them as one time purchase)?
      AutoBluetooth, AutoBubbles, AutoCalendar, AutoMail, and AutoMediaButtons.

      Thanks for all you do, you make the impossible, possible!
    19. Kamlou
      Hi Administrator, I was wondering if you could point me to the right direction regarding support, i am quite desperate for help as most of my home automation works on the app, pleas let me know
    20. Moises Davidescu
      Moises Davidescu
      Hi Joaomgcd, I installed AutoWeb, when I try to configure Web Service, I get an empty window...any advice
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    [​IMG]Join: connect multiple devices (send pushes, remote SMS, notifications) on Android, Windows, Mac, Linux
    [​IMG]Tasker: customize/automate anything on your phone!
    [​IMG]AutoApps: add advanced functionality to Tasker via plugins

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    João Dias
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