Flash On Call v1.1

Flashes your Flashlight when someone calls.

  1. T0BBI
    Flashes your Phones Flashlight when someone is calling you.
    Often my phone would have no ringer because I forgot to turn it back on. This Profile will flash your flashlight so you know when someone is calling you.

    The profile was modified from SmartPhoneLovers "Say Caller" profile. You can also mix these 2 profiles. To do that simply start the task FlashTheLight in the first task and end it in the second.

    This Profile requires no plugin, but you could also use AutoTools.
    If you want to use AutoTools there is also a version here available.

Recent Updates

  1. Flash On Call

Recent Reviews

  1. Roy
    Version: v1.1
    Works great for a few calls, but then stops activating. Also when does activate sometimes keeps the flash light on after a call. Would be great to get it fixed
    1. T0BBI
      Author's Response
      Hey, sorry for the wayyyyyyy to long reply. I myself don't know why it doesn't work like intended. If anyone knows, just hit me somehow up.
  2. SmartPhoneLover
    Version: v1.1
    Great idea! And many thanks for the mention ;)
    Good work mate.
    1. T0BBI
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the 5 stars. ^^