Now i will briefly explain the main steps to create this notification and a few ideas how to use it
Feel free to ask me questions or correct mistakes !
- What to you need:
- AutoRemote and Tasker
- Chrome Plugin for AutoRemote
- Eventghost (optional)- How to "start" this notification:
I use Eventghost to send an Autoremote message to my phone every time it boots up or it resumes from energy saving etc. . (use Main.OnInit and Main.OnResume in Eventghost - see eventghost forums for more information)- There are no persistent chrome notifications - a very simple workaround:
As it often happens to me that I accidentally dismiss the notification I respond to the "Action on Dismiss" command from the Autoremote Notification by resending the notification to chrome (not really good, but it works..)- How to setup the AutoRemote Notification:
- Set Action on Dismiss (see above)
- Set Action to "chromecommand=:="
- Set ActionPopup to "Type your command:" (whatever you want)
If you write a command into the popup it will be send to your phone like this: "chromecommand=:=INPUTCOMMAND"
React in Tasker with the filter "chromecommand=:=(?<ccmd>.+)" . The variable "ccmd" will contain your command.- A few ideas how to use this notification:
- Text starting with "CB" will be copied to the phones clipboard.
- "WA name - text" sends a whatsapp message to 'name' with the text 'text' (see for more information or ask me)
--> This is not very useful since Whatsapp web recently started...)
- "beep" lets the phone ring to find it ;-)
- ...
Chrome command window
Create a 'persistent' chrome notification to quickly interact with your phone from any computer.