Toggle tile to change screen stand-by delay 2019-08-24

Notification tile to allow changing the stand-by delay of the screen

  1. AgP42

    This project allow to have a tile on the notification shortcut part, when I click on it, it set the screen timeout to 2 hours, and click again, it is set back to 30s.
    Very usefull to read articles or for cooking recipes...

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You can download the sources or here is the principle how to redo it yourself : (All is done on Tasker)

    Let's start with 3 tasks :
    - Create a first task that :
    1. set the screen extinction to 2h
    2. add a pop-up (flash) to notify the user
    3. set the tile (add/plugin/AutoNotification/Tiles and then "configuration") as "Command" : "screen=:=short", icon : what you want, Label : what you want to see, State : "Active"
    - Create another task with :
    1. set the screen extinction to 30s
    2. add a pop-up (flash) to notify the user
    3. set the tile as "Command" : "screen=:=long", State : "Inactive"
    - Now create a third task that will manage both others :
    1. Add a "if" with the condition %ancomm (this will comes from the profile that will call this task, we see that just after) ~ long
    2. add "Perform task" and choose the first task you created before
    3. add a "else"
    4. add "Perform task" and choose the second task you created before
    5. add a "end if"
    (Sorry if the term are not exact, my tasker is not in english...)

    Now let's create the "Profile" that will "listen" for the tile request when clicked :
    Choose "event" as a trigger, then "plugin", "autonotification", "autonotification". On the "configuration", set the "Command Filter" to "screen" (must correspond to the left part of the Command you set on the tile, before the =:=).
    Then choose the 3rd task created before, to be launched.

    And that's all done ! Run one of the 2 first task to see the tile update as you set it.

    You can also add another profile when you start your phone to launch the second profile, in order to initialize the tile.

    Hope this will be usefull, do not hesitate to ask for explanation if this is not clear enough !

    Enjoy !

Recent Updates

  1. Same but xml with all the project included

Recent Reviews

  1. Phe0X
    Version: 2019-08-24
    Fonctionne parfaitement, merci pour les explications !
    Works perfectly, thanks for the explenations !
    1. AgP42
      Author's Response
      Ravie de voir que ça rend service ! Merci pour ton retour :-)