As many users may know, Twitter does not resume music playback if it was previously active after closing/exiting from a video within the app. It just stops it (possibly by sending an 'stop()' call from 'AudioManager' using 'AudioFocus').
So, this project is an experimental attempt to try resuming the background music playback, if any, after exiting from a video within the app.
This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet, or when the dev considers it is needed even not imported from TaskerNet.
- It was based on a user request from Reddit. (link 1/link 2)
- As the project uses the Logcat Entry profile to detect video playback (activity), the android.permission.READ_LOGS permission will have to be granted to Tasker. (instructions)
- If you haven't previously done it, you will have to disable automatic video playback: Profile > Settings and Privacy > Data Usage (General) > Video Autoplay (Video) = 'Never'.
- I have used the 'resume' Poweramp intent from here. But you can use your own intents, or the 'Media Control' action if you want.
Background Music Playback Resume for Twitter v1.0
Resume music playback after exiting from a video in Twitter