[PROFILE] Navigation Buttons Actions v1.0

Detect single and long press of navigation buttons

  1. SmartPhoneLover
    It will allow you to distinguish what button was pressed, or assign different actions to each button, depending on the time pressed.

    This project does not contain predefined actions that execute certain applications, nor does it carry out specific actions. What is included are generic actions as a demonstration, which can then be extrapolated (idea) to other projects.

    - The project uses the 'Logcat Entry' action, added in Tasker v5.9.beta8.
    - To use it just toggle according profile.
    - There are several ways to make the profile detect the decided filter: applying regex expressions, filtering by specific words/terms, or searching for matching elements from within the associated task by reading the %(lc_text) var.
    - IDs are unique for each device, and also components/services can vary from device to device. Therefore, I recommend you not to take these components/filters that I have used in the profile as them are. If they work, perfect! But if not, you should look for the corresponding ones for your device. But at least you will have a base to start.
    - This profile was built based on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 device (Xiaomi.eu beta ROM).
    - Profiles are bundled in a single project file to make it easier to be imported. So, import it as a project.

    J2cats likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. hyborian777
    Version: v1.0
    Thanks, works well on my Xiaomis ...