[PROFILE] Root Checker v1.1

Check if the device keeps having root access

  1. SmartPhoneLover
    Some people are having troubles with the Magisk root core being disabled randomly and suddenly, happening across different devices.

    It will periodically check if the device keeps having root access. Otherwise, a notification will be generated when not detected, and will offer you the option to solve it by rebooting the device.

    This project includes an Initial Setup task that needs to be executed when it is imported from TaskerNet, or when the dev considers it is needed even not imported from TaskerNet.

    Magisk root seems that is being lost in certain situations due to a problem on the device's ROM, so try reporting it to the dev.

    - Use it only if necessary.
    - It uses the 'TIME_TICK' intent when rebooted ONLY. The rest of the time longer checks are used (30' by default).
    - All is bundled into a single prj file, so import it as a project.


    1. Screenshot_2019-10-18-22-15-10-518_ginlemon.flowerfree.jpg
    2. Screenshot_2019-10-18-22-15-17-849_com.topjohnwu.magisk.jpg
    3. Screenshot_2019-10-18-22-15-21-178_com.topjohnwu.magisk.jpg
    4. Screenshot_2019-10-18-22-15-37-518_ginlemon.flowerfree.jpg

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