AutoApps Projects

Top AutoApps Projects

  1. Exit App
    Back out of an app - by joaomgcd
    Updated: Feb 19, 2015
  2. Change input keyboard depending on situation
    Set voice typing keyboard if the phone is on the table or normal keyboard if you pick up the phone - by joaomgcd
    Updated: Oct 6, 2016
  3. Spotify Wear Search
    Search songs, playlists, artists and albums and play them with spotify. - by Chanquin
    Updated: Apr 5, 2015
  4. Pick and Open a specific Google Keep Note
    Get your Google Keep notes and then pick one and open it in the Google Keep app - by joaomgcd
    Updated: Jul 19, 2018
  5. Tasker Cloud Backup To Dropbox
    Backup Tasker to your Dropbox account every time you save - by Rory_Harnisch
    Updated: Jun 20, 2016

View All Featured Projects

  1. Run Any Task From Any AutoApp

    Learn how any AutoApp can easily run an existing Tasker task
  2. Automatically Reply To Facebook, Hangouts, Whatsapp etc

    Learn how you can use AutoNotification to automatically reply to messages from your contacts
  3. Exit App

    Back out of an app
  4. Disable and enable your lock screen at will (No Root!)

    Learn how you can make your phone lock when the screen turns off only when you're not at home
  1. Insanity

    Send Downloaded Tasker Tasks To Android Device

    Send Tasker tasks downloaded on your pc straight to your android device!
    0/5, 0 votes
    Feb 19, 2015
  2. joaomgcd

    Screen Control Icon

    Create an icon that creates your screen brightness and keeps your screen on for as long as you like
    5/5, 1 vote
    Feb 19, 2015
  3. joaomgcd

    Start Timer with Floating Icon

    Create a timer on your watch by tapping a floating icon
    0/5, 0 votes
    Feb 19, 2015
  4. joaomgcd

    Turn on bedroom light with AutoWear Events

    This will toggle a light with events on your watch, like a shake, screen on or off, etc
    0/5, 0 votes
    Feb 19, 2015
  5. joaomgcd

    Turn on bedroom light with notification

    This will toggle a light with AutoVera using a notification on your watch
    0/5, 0 votes
    Feb 19, 2015
  6. joaomgcd

    Turn on bedroom light with floating icon

    This will toggle a light with AutoVera using a floating icon on your watch
    0/5, 0 votes
    Feb 19, 2015
  7. joaomgcd

    Turn on bedroom light with voice command

    This will toggle a light with AutoVera using a voice command in AutoWear
    0/5, 0 votes
    Feb 19, 2015
  8. joaomgcd

    Dismiss Alarm By Disconnecting Watch From Charger

    You'll learn how to dismiss the current alarm, unlock your screen and open your favorite news app si
    0/5, 0 votes
    Feb 19, 2015
  9. juasanri

    Screen On and Unlock Lollipop 1.1

    Switch On the Screen and Unlock to home page
    0/5, 0 votes
    Feb 19, 2015
  10. joaomgcd

    Toggle "Ok Google" detection 1.0

    Enable or disable "Ok Google" detection in the Google Settings with AutoInput
    4.5/5, 2 votes
    Feb 11, 2015
  11. Stu Gott

    Control Sonos from autowear by using autovera

    Control Sonos from autowear by using autovera
    5/5, 1 vote
    Feb 9, 2015