
Top AutoApps Projects

  1. Change input keyboard depending on situation
    Set voice typing keyboard if the phone is on the table or normal keyboard if you pick up the phone - by joaomgcd
    Updated: Oct 6, 2016
  2. Full Overview On Creating an AutoTools Web Screen
    Learn about all aspects of creating a new Web Screen in a step-by-step tutorial - by joaomgcd
    Updated: Jul 26, 2017
  3. AutoTools Json Read - Getting Started
    Learn the ins and outs of the Json Read action in AutoTools with several basic examples - by joaomgcd
    Updated: Sep 28, 2016
  4. Connect to the Best Avaialble Wifi Network
    Make sure that the network connection your connected to has the best signal - by joaomgcd
    Updated: Dec 18, 2017
  5. AutoTools Table Screen - Hourly Weather Forecast
    Show a table with the hourly weather forecast complete with condition icons - by joaomgcd
    Updated: Sep 13, 2017

View All Featured Projects

  1. Disable and enable your lock screen at will (No Root!)

    Learn how you can make your phone lock when the screen turns off only when you're not at home
  1. joaomgcd

    Getting started with the AutoTools Web Screen

    Learn how to build a very basic web page to use with the AutoTools Web Screen
    5/5, 1 vote
    Mar 28, 2017
  2. Juan M.

    AutoTools - Secure Settings Setup

    I'm going to show you how to enable Secure Settings in your Android device
    5/5, 1 vote
    Jan 29, 2017
  3. joaomgcd

    Dynamically switch launchers: a different launcher when at work and away

    Learn how to make your launcher different depending on if you're at work or not
    5/5, 1 vote
    Jan 24, 2017
  4. userapps

    Fingerprint Unlock Ubuntu 2017-01-19

    Lock and Unlock Ubuntu with Fingerprint
    5/5, 1 vote
    Jan 19, 2017
  5. joaomgcd

    Dynamically set App Shortcuts for your favorite home and away apps

    Learn how to setup custom app shortcuts on Android 7.1 and above
    0/5, 0 votes
    Jan 11, 2017
  6. autormali

    Set DeviantArt Daily Deviations as Wallpaper

    Learn how to get image URL with AutoTools HTML Read and set it as wallpaper
    0/5, 0 votes
    Dec 4, 2016
  7. joaomgcd

    Find Custom Settings To Use in AutoTools Secure Settings

    Learn how you can find your own custom settings on your own device
    0/5, 0 votes
    Nov 8, 2016
  8. joaomgcd

    React to a 2 choices dialog

    Learn how to react to your choice on a 2 choices dialog
    0/5, 0 votes
    Oct 26, 2016
  9. autormali

    Set Screen Orientation 1.1

    Rotate your phone screen with AutoTools Secure Settings.
    5/5, 2 votes
    Oct 26, 2016
  10. joaomgcd

    3D Touch with AutoTools

    Learn how to create a pressure sensitive gestures screen
    0/5, 0 votes
    Oct 21, 2016
  11. joaomgcd

    Create a Read Later list

    Learn how to create and update a database of items to read later and show them in a dialog
    5/5, 1 vote
    Oct 21, 2016
  12. joaomgcd

    Require your fingerprint to run an app

    Learn how to protect an app so that it closes if your fingerprint is not recognized
    5/5, 1 vote
    Oct 21, 2016
  13. joaomgcd

    Formatting multiple dates with multiple formats at the same time

    Combine AutoTools Time and Arrays actions to format multiple dates with multiple formats
    0/5, 0 votes
    Oct 19, 2016
  14. joaomgcd

    Set Home and Lock Screen Wallpapers from different NASA images of the day

    Learn how to get today's and yesterday's NASA images of the day and set them as wallpapers
    0/5, 0 votes
    Oct 12, 2016
  15. joaomgcd

    Vibrate phone every 2 minutes if important notification is present

    This will make your phone vibrate like crazy every 2 minutes if there's an important notification.
    0/5, 0 votes
    Oct 7, 2016
  16. joaomgcd

    Toggle a widget between 2 icons with AutoTools Text Toggling

    Learn how to toggle between 2 values and apply that to a widget on your homescreen
    0/5, 0 votes
    Oct 7, 2016
  17. joaomgcd

    Use AutoTools Text Best Matches to improve voice recognition

    Learn how you can make voice recognition better by forcing one of several pre-defined expressions
    5/5, 2 votes
    Oct 7, 2016
  18. joaomgcd

    Say and show the time til Christmas with a handy home screen shortcut

    Have your phone say the time til Christmas out loud and show a appropriately formatted toast
    0/5, 0 votes
    Oct 6, 2016
  19. joaomgcd

    Create a Music Playing state that you can use as a profile condition

    %MTRACK doesn't usually work so learn how to create a profile that enables when music is playing
    5/5, 2 votes
    Oct 6, 2016